
Barrett's Newsletter

A newsletter for founders who want to make impact at scale and become the leader your team needs you to be

My newsletter helps founders like you become the leader you're capable of so you can make the impact you set out to make. Each week I share exceptional essays from around the web, original essays from my desk, and my long-form interview podcast called Good Work -- all centered on reaching your potential as a founder and leader. I'm an executive coach to founders and creators using business to solve hard societal problems - lessons from my coaching work directly fuel the newsletter.

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The eightfold fence strategy for facing hardship, lessons from hyper growth, and why you should work with your hands (2024 | Week 16)

Hey Reader, Happy Sunday! It’s a classic rainy and chilly spring weekend here in Portland and we’ve been enjoying it with pancakes, at the zoo, and with some delicious coffee and tea from our favorite local spots. I normally send this newsletter early on Saturday mornings, but I was exhausted after traveling solo with my son last weekend and two podcast recordings in a shortened week for me. I caught up on some sleep this weekend instead. Thanks for reading on Sunday :). If you missed it,...

5 days ago • 7 min read

Hey Reader, Happy Saturday! Yesterday was my grandfather's 90th birthday and we're celebrating today, which for a variety of reasons means I'm hitting your inbox a few hours later than normal. I'm thinking about interviewing him and recording it for our family's oral history. Hit reply with any great questions you've asked your elders and enjoyed hearing the answer to.Speaking of interviews, my interview with neuroscientist and author Anne-Laure Le Cunff has gotten great reviews. The #1 thing...

13 days ago • 5 min read

Hey Reader, Happy Saturday! What an incredible week. All of you awesome people made it possible for the podcast to hit #15 in the business category and #130 in all of Apple Podcasts. In week one! My friend made me say out loud that I have “A top 25 business show.” I’m taking it under consideration for future use. #15 in business right behind my boy Guy Raz! Thank you so much for your support. My goal is impact, not fame or reach. Still, I know that reach is a key factor for impact because it...

20 days ago • 7 min read

Hey Reader, Today is the day! Good Work with Barrett Brooks (that's me!) is now available wherever you get your podcasts (including YouTube). Listen Now! If you already know you're excited to listen, you can find the first three episodes at If you listen and enjoy an episode, please share with a friend. If you enjoy it so much you're feeling extra generous, please leave a review of the show. First Three Guests The first three guests on the show, available today, are: James...

24 days ago • 5 min read

Hey Reader, Happy Saturday! Gotta admit, I'm so hyped about the podcast launching that I had a hard time getting hyped about writing the regular newsletter this week. The team got the podcast mini-site up at You'll always be able to find the episodes, show notes, and links to listening platforms there. The mascot and art work is up in all of the directories. We ready! If you haven't yet, subscribe on your favorite platform below: I'll send you an email with links to all...

27 days ago • 5 min read
Photo of a rising sun over a misty valley by David Zawila on Unsplash

Hey Reader, Happy Saturday! It's official, I have a launch date for the podcast I'm confident in because everything required to launch is complete. You're the first to know that you can now watch or listen to the trailer + subscribe to the podcast on YouTube or in your favorite podcast app. Watch or listen to the trailer and subscribe on your favorite platform below: The trailer isn't groundbreaking, but it will give you a good sense of what the show is about and why I made it. The first...

about 1 month ago • 6 min read
Photo of a rising sun over a misty valley by David Zawila on Unsplash

Hey Reader, Happy Saturday! Clocks have changed, spring is here, and along with those wonderful events the not so wonderful spring stomach bug arrived at our house. Not my favorite, to say the least. Barrett Brooks @BarrettABrooks I love so much about being a dad. It's full of joy, gratitude, and reasons to be present in the moment with my two young boys. The only irredeemable part of parenthood is children building their immune systems by constantly getting sick for several years. 11:45 AM •...

about 1 month ago • 6 min read
Photo of a rising sun over a misty valley by David Zawila on Unsplash

Hey Reader, Happy Saturday! I spent the latter half of this week in Chicago at an event called Tastemaker, the premiere industry conference for food creators. My past work has led me to a fascinating intersection — one where I find myself working with both startup founders and some of the most popular creators in their industries. This always seems paradoxical when I share it with new friends, but I’ve come to embrace the fact that it’s a reflection of both who I am and the work I've done. On...

about 2 months ago • 5 min read
Photo of a rising sun over a misty valley by David Zawila on Unsplash

Hey Reader, Happy Saturday! Whether you’re already a founder, might be a founder one day, or simply want to learn about the founder path for the sake of learning, thank you for reading my work. I’m grateful for you. I’m running a little experiment this week by putting the mini essay first. Let me know what you think. Let’s get to it. A short essay sparked by my work with founders There’s this niche problem I’ve become fascinated with, which is: what happens when a founder or exec enters a...

about 2 months ago • 6 min read
Photo of a rising sun over a misty valley by David Zawila on Unsplash

Hey Reader, Happy Saturday! Hit reply and tell me the hardest problem you're dealing with in your business right now. I'd love to chat about it (it'll also fuel new ideas for mini-essays in the weeks to come). Let's get to it... A quote to make you think from a book podcast worth listening to “When you get to certain levels of responsibility with management and leadership… you could technically be the smartest person in the room, but if you have no emotional intelligence or dimensionality in...

2 months ago • 6 min read
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